V nickel, injuns and my first silver spoon

Since the term "Injun" is referring to a coin, I can assure the Special Snowflakes, that no coin was offended by the term.

If we were to give in to Political Correctness, then we should stop referring to the U.S. Lincoln Cent as a "Stinkin' Lincoln", lest we offend those with the name of Lincoln. We would also have to eliminate the terms "zincoln" and Felix cent/penny.

Canadians would have to stop making references to "Loonies", as some might believe the comment is in connection with the mentally ill, and take offense.

We could likely go on and on altering our vocabulary to avoid offending the Special Snowflakes among us, but it is counter productive. Instead, our people need to grow thicker skin, or, if I may use a stereotype, *"Cowboy-up", and stop being so sensitive. Certain people look to blame others for their unhappiness and lack of success in life, when instead they should examine themselves.

*http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cowboy up
When our gang of 7-9 year old kids would go to Dead Mans Cave we would send our Indian friend, Leonard in first. Since he was an Indian he would know what to do in case there were any wild animals in there. It made perfect sense to everybody but Leonard.

I know ignorant, bigoted people I have never heard one use the word "injun".Like all words they have to be taken in context. Injun Joe is more terrifying than Native American Joe and I don't think African American Jim accurately describes his lot in life.
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