I guess the world pitied me


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2016
So yesterday I got laid off from my new job due to company restructuring (they didn't need as many employees for the work). Really stunk cause I enjoyed the work. But anyway, I headed to the gym early today because well, no job and the bank next door just so happened to still be open. So I went in and asked for half dollars and ike's. My teller said "Sure I got some in, but a lot of them look weird" She proceeded to show me a walker half dollar :shock:, (if I wasn't in such a depressed mood I would of had a heart attack!) So anyway I said sure I'll take all your half dollars and Ike's even the weird ones. Head home and I find all these! 13 Walkers, 5 bens, 2 90%er Kennedy's , 7 40%er Kennedy's, and it doesn't stop there! I found 2 PEACE DOLLARS AND 1 MORGAN! Still feeling down, but this definitely was a nice pick me up! 37.5% of all the half dollars were silver and 30% of the dollars were silver. Now I like those odds. :yes:


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I really like your blanket, we have one very similar! :laughing:

Sorry to here about your job, but congrats on all that silver! :woot: That is a CRHers dream! :wow: :shock: :wow2: :shock: :wow: it would be fantastic if you would've got just 1 of them but to get 30... that is just unreal! :hi5: Congrats. :clapping:
I'd take that as a sign that your future is gonna be very more wonderful than it was the day before! Most jobs nowadays are a temporary and unprofitable nuisance! Heck...keep us in the loop how things turn out...All the best wishes sent to you!
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Sorry to hear about the job, but looks like things are going in the right direction! Nice silver score.

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That is a great score! Walkers and Bens are awesome, but then some old Dollars to top it off. It's always nice when we can get a little pick me up like that when things are down.
:whoohoo: That is super! Mind blowing! Incredible! Fantastic! Really, truly sweet! (That is to say, great finds!) :D

P.S. I know that being laid off is very disappointing (it happened to my dad the same way last year), and I am praying for you. :yes:
Sorry to hear about the job - but make sure you keep hitting that bank.
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