A small pet peeve


Elite Member
Mar 26, 2006
upstate New York
I am a small time detector dealer as many of you know so this doesn't happen to me often but can feel for those dealers that sell many detectors & detecting items where I imagine this happens more. Last week I received a email from someone that said that they read on one of the forums that I repair headphones and wondered if I still do. He told me that he and one of his friends had a set of phones that needed repair and asked me to reply back with details. I replied telling him that I would be happy to do the repairs & and told him to send them to me & gave him my name/address and phone number. Well I have never heard back from him. I wondered did he decide to not send them are they in the mail and got lost,etc. I am very easy to get along with and not alot bothers me but things like that drive me bananas.
I think I see the problem. You didn't reply with "details". He wanted you to let him know exactly what you were going to repair, how long it would take you, and how much it was going to cost, including the shipping charges, all without ever seeing the headphones in question.
And even then, he may have questioned the lack of a multi-job, or internet discount.
See? You're not "customer-oriented" enough. ;) :laughing:

I'd agree, however you may want to follow up with him to see if he sent them. On the off chance he did, you certainly don't want him thinking it is you that's taking this long and start bad mouthing you.

I'd offer up a variance of a old saying "Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster, but inaccurate false bad news seems to travel the fastest"
I think I see the problem. You didn't reply with "details". He wanted you to let him know exactly what you were going to repair, how long it would take you, and how much it was going to cost, including the shipping charges, all without ever seeing the headphones in question.
And even then, he may have questioned the lack of a multi-job, or internet discount.
See? You're not "customer-oriented" enough. ;) :laughing:

Actually I did give him all the details, told him that he would have to pay return shipping, price of parts if any needed, a small charge for my work.
I'd agree, however you may want to follow up with him to see if he sent them. On the off chance he did, you certainly don't want him thinking it is you that's taking this long and start bad mouthing you.

I'd offer up a variance of a old saying "Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster, but inaccurate false bad news seems to travel the fastest"
I have sent him multiple emails asking if him if he has sent them,etc.
Humans are very unpredictable...You can drive yourself silly trying to figure them out! He may have just been trying to get an idea of the repair price to make a decision whether to buy new phones instead...Lotsa things could be going on...

But yeah, relying on Humans too much is not a worthy venture...:laughing:
I have had a number of dealings with Ski Whiz. He is one of the best for fixing and making headphones. I would trust him with anything that I own for a fair price and outstanding work in anything he does.
Ski if he does not answer you I would just forget about him. People want something for nothing and he figured that you would repair his cans for Nothing. I wont say that the average person is stupid but there are a lot of below average people in this nation. I had one customer take an item apart and could not put it back together. Came in and demanded their money because the item was faulty. It took me about three minutes to disassemble the item and put it back together the way it was supposed to BE. then the story changed and they wanted their money back. NO going to happen. I did send it back to the factory to be checked and they confirmed that the customer had put it back together incorrectly and there was nothing wrong with the product.

We never saw that customer again but it was no bit loss. In fact we did not want to see him again.
Agreeing with Mud_Puppy here.

Maybe impatience is the problem and he decided he couldn't wait for the repair and just bought a new pair.

As for the lack of common courtesy, we'll... yeah. Silly Humans.
You should be getting your delivery of 27 large combination pizzas this evening.

My compliments :p:laughing:

Your comment did not "click" at first...… …...THEN I quickly got it !!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
George in SC would not say it, but I tell my kids every week that 80% of the people out there are just plain stupid.
Communication skills are going the way of the dodo!
There is a good chance that the guy figured it would be cheaper to just by new ones, but not letting you know the deal was off is just rude.
good luck going forward:D
George in SC would not say it, but I tell my kids every week that 80% of the people out there are just plain stupid.
Communication skills are going the way of the dodo!
There is a good chance that the guy figured it would be cheaper to just by new ones, but not letting you know the deal was off is just rude.
good luck going forward:D

Actually I thought that the percentage was higher. I had one customer that came in at least once a week with questions. I had the reputation of being the answer guy. for six months he wasted my time and then went to another business looked at exactly the same item I had been trying to sell him and called me to ask if he should buy it. I told him to buy the (expletive deleted) thing.
Well I have never heard back from him. I wondered did he decide to not send them are they in the mail and got lost,etc. I am very easy to get along with and not alot bothers me but things like that drive me bananas.

You have been "ghosted". It is very inconsiderate, and way too common these days. This has happened to me many times. Pretty sure they didn't all just happen to suddenly perish or vanish. Jerks. Too many socially inconsiderate jerks out there. Drives me bananars too.
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