Aggressive Shark Starts off My Silvery Hunt!


A Moderating Knight of the Round Coil
Super Mod
Forum Supporter
Apr 14, 2006
I had planned on going on a hunt to my regular beach today but when I saw that South Beach was looking good so I headed there. Although the students are done I’m not officially off for the summer until Friday. However, it was easy for me to take off and be hunting and in the water by 12:30! :D Within 10-15 minutes of being in the water, I was knee deep and very near shore in some turbulent water when I notice what I believe is a 4-5’ Black Tip shark go at my coil. :yikes: I lift it and he pulls away but as I see him passing me he turns back towards me as I was lifting the coil to keep him away. :fright: I don’t know if he bumped it or not but he took off when the coil was in his face. Needless to say, at this point, that sucker got my attention and I readied my Stealth scoop in case I needed to go into battle. :boxing: Fortunately, I didn’t see him again and the thought of running into him in deeper water where I would be more helpless went away a few minutes after that. I continued the rest of my 4½ hour hunt without incident except for some nuisance seaweed. Three hours into the hunt, I pick up what I was sure to be a white gold and diamond woman’s band. :clapping: When I get home I let my wife look at it and she says “Is it real?” I respond confidently “Sure is!” :yes: “Well those are marcasites” she says. :ehh: I then get my jeweler’s loupe and see “925” in the ring. :blink: :shovel: I saw 3 other pirates out there 2 using CTX’s and 1 with an Equinox. I spoke with one of the CTX guys – his name was Craig and he said “so far nothing for him and his buddy” (the other CTX guy named Robert). My next planned hunt will hopefully be with Tim, who will be staying for a day after the cruise he’s currently on returns.


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Sweet hunt - sounds like you has a blast!!!! Glad the sharks didn't ruin your day...

I've never had a black tip hang around me in the water - are you sure it wasn't a bull shark? Young skinny bulls look allot like a black tip..... Hammers can get too friendly but those are quite recognizable...……

Sharks are attracted to magnetic fields. I would be more concerned about the Bull Sharks than the Black Tips. Bull Sharks are conveniently "silt colored" and have an elevated testosterone level that make them far more dangerous than a testosterone laden, roid-raging football team.

I am happy that the waters up here are cold. That means two things - rings slip easily from fingers in cold water - and there are no Tiger sharks, Bull Sharks, Hammerheads, etc.
Nice saves on the Silver Felix! Sharks, not a good thing..:run1:
Nice rings. The bracelets though, they look like piston rings. Wonder if someone was wearing them or someone threw a handful out.

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Up here on the Treasure coast those little (2-3 feet) bonnet head sharks get real aggressive. Sometimes they beach themselves when they chase bait fish.

When you pull out a full scoop they get excited and go after the bait fish that dart in to the hole chasing exposed shrimp and sand fleas.

Sometimes your foot may look like a fish, not good.
I've never had a black tip hang around me in the water - are you sure it wasn't a bull shark? Young skinny bulls look allot like a black tip..... Hammers can get too friendly but those are quite recognizable...……GL & HH

I'm pretty sure in all my excitement I noticed a splash of black on the tip of the fin. And it was from the shark not my shorts!

Need a metal detector, a scoop, and a bang stick!
Is there a mod out there for adding one on a detector shaft as I only have 2 hands? :lol:

Poor shark, you scared it.

Sharks, not a good thing..:run1:
I had planned on a first for me this summer, a night hunt with Sexton down here, but I gotta tell there's no way I see myself doing that after 2 shark encounters this year.
Nice work out there Felix :yes: Too bad on the Marcasite, Mrs. Felix stopped your gold dance right in it's tracks huh :no: :) Hope the next one is 2 karat of the real stuff ;)

Spooky stuff with the shark, I've noticed more stingrays coming by since I've started with the Equinox but luckily no hammerheads looking to eat any of those flappy guys :laughing: Even in the clear water I get a little nervous when I see the jacks swimming by and stingrays showing interest. :hide: :viking:
I am happy that the waters up here are cold. That means two things - rings slip easily from fingers in cold water - and there are no Tiger sharks, Bull Sharks, Hammerheads, etc.

They have had Bull sharks in the Saint Lawrence river so they can tolerate colder water.

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