Do you rate the AT Max as a deep unit?

The Deus guys feelings seem to be hurt :/
Get some thick skin people. LOL People...

if you read through all of this, what TN and Cala are saying is that they have been walking over targets for all these past years with their mighty Deus's. Just now they have 4 Freq's and now they are a believer of Multi-Freq detectors like Minelab has put out for years. Welcome to the Multi-Freq club guys.

I am just stirring the pot for fun if you have not figured it out... LOL

Its fun to watch you guys get all sweated up :)))

I haven't referred to multi freq at all.
Deus is not a multifreq detector IMO.
Neither is Impact or Rutus.

It does give user more freq selection.

I have been walking over these targets swinging a Deus since 2013 I think.
And have been year after year.
Up jumps the elliptical and round HF coils and these nonferrous are being found.

No BSing by me.
I have posted several threads/posts talking about hunting this site with multiple detectors going back to 2012. Not here that long but other forums.

Thick skin??
You find someone who served 22 plus years in the military and is a veteran of 3 wars,,,I think you'll find they have thick skin. The thickest!!

No one on this forum could hurt my feelings ever.
And I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling here.

All I want to do is tell the truth.
Hey Kajunman that find that you said was so so well guess what heritage auctions sold one a few years ago and there are less than 10 known examples to exist ! SHOWS what you know go over there and look at what it sold for... While you guys are stirring the pot I'm out finding priceless pieces of history! Go to the auction site and see what it sold for will blow your mind! TESTING in my garden paid off big time today......................................:shock::shock::p:p BTW the fbs machines you speak of are geared toward higher conducters , we are talking about high freq machines seeing low conductors... that's why the minelabs stuggle with gold...... duh

Hey Calabash, guess what ? I don't care. You're still annoying.
chew on this for awhile...


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To clarify some thing I said ealier.

I stated I had been walking over nonferrous targets using Deus, then the HF coils started helping me find them.

This is a true statement.

Folks need to understand.
As I used .Deus as most newer versions were released and used by myself, this too allowed for some additional finds to be made using the original LF coils.

Biggest driver for this was when XP released version with use of full tones capability.
By doing this a user could run lower disc (into the ferrous) region and still through the use of tones discern most ferrous as ferrous.

And this running disc lower allowed Deus to perform better (although slight) in the 3D unmasking scenario.
Another thread successfully converted to a Deus discussion. :roll:

As I’m sure has been mentioned at some point, the Deus retails at fully double the cost of a Max, yes? Just putting that reminder out there. I’m just a noob, but I’m frankly bemused that these two detectors keep getting compared.

What I fully expect and look forward to are straight up comparisons between the Max and the Equinox once released, covering all areas including depth under various conditions. To me that will be both a meaningful and a fair match up - at least they’re in the same ballpark on price. Just my observation and opinion - not intended to upset anyone, or even inspire a response.
I don't. Your voice is annoying. I tried, it's unbearable.

I'm with you Kajun. I'd love to try the Deus, but between it's horrible tones and Calabashes' horrible "tone", I'll stay away for now. Maybe when Deus get's a different shill.

I gotta say that I love to see some of the stuff he pulls out of the ground, but just can't take the narration, so what I do is mute the sound and turn on the "closed captioning". It's hilarious to see how it translates hillbilly. And if you watch his "Great great grandfather civil war" video, listen at about the 4:34 mark, it sounds like he's having an orgasm. Pretty funny.

I don't have a dog in the fight, but I do get tired of CD's constant pushing the Deus and his pomposity.

I'm with you Kajun. I'd love to try the Deus, but between it's horrible tones and Calabashes' horrible "tone", I'll stay away for now. Maybe when Deus get's a different shill.

I gotta say that I love to see some of the stuff he pulls out of the ground, but just can't take the narration, so what I do is mute the sound and turn on the "closed captioning". It's hilarious to see how it translates hillbilly. And if you watch his "Great great grandfather civil war" video, listen at about the 4:34 mark, it sounds like he's having an orgasm. Pretty funny.

I don't have a dog in the fight, but I do get tired of CD's constant pushing the Deus and his pomposity.


The Deus is probably a good detector. A guy in my club has one. He doesn't use it though because he says its a complicated detector. There is one guy who shows up to competition hunts around here with a Deus but he doesn't get any more tokens than F75 users.

But calaBASH would be the lone reason I wouldn't get one. His videos have become unwatchable. His voice along with his arrogance is intolerable. He's a rather meh detectorist imo. Nothing I've ever heard from him would give me a sudden detecting epiphany. I just don't watch anymore.
As far as videos showing/using detectors in action.

If I did videos.

I would be trying to do them, to show folks who are interested in knowing howone works, how well it works, negatives, positives, and its nuances/tendencies.

Meaning if a person wanted to learn the detector on their own- they shouldn't watch period.

I won't do any detector X vs detector y.

I would do detector X vs detector x(wearing different coils).

One reason why I have multiple Deus units. So I can compare quickly if I want too. Versus having one pole, remote and multiple coils.

Some folks will be let down, or pissed I am afraid if honest detector X vs detector y is done.

Their favorite detector will be viewed as being trashed.

A person I guess needs to ask themselves why they read detecting forums?

If it is just to socialize, and nothing wrong with this at all, might be a good idea to spend time in other places besides this subforum of the forum.

Now, I think it is a fair statement to make.
Talking about the good or bad as far as a detector model goes, has helped the industry overall.
Manufacturers are reading detecting forums.

So we must talk about more things than peaches and cream.
As far as videos showing/using detectors in action.

If I did videos.

I would be trying to do them, to show folks who are interested in knowing howone works, how well it works, negatives, positives, and its nuances/tendencies.

Meaning if a person wanted to learn the detector on their own- they shouldn't watch period.

I won't do any detector X vs detector y.

I would do detector X vs detector x(wearing different coils).

One reason why I have multiple Deus units. So I can compare quickly if I want too. Versus having one pole, remote and multiple coils.

Some folks will be let down, or pissed I am afraid if honest detector X vs detector y is done.

Their favorite detector will be viewed as being trashed.

A person I guess needs to ask themselves why they read detecting forums?

If it is just to socialize, and nothing wrong with this at all, might be a good idea to spend time in other places besides this subforum of the forum.

Now, I think it is a fair statement to make.
Talking about the good or bad as far as a detector model goes, has helped the industry overall.
Manufacturers are reading detecting forums.

So we must talk about more things than peaches and cream.

If you ever start doing videos, don't do test garden videos. Do field videos. Nothing beats real time finds, regardless of the find.

Edit: Every coil I have has it's own lower pole which makes for a quick change.
If you ever start doing videos, don't do test garden videos. Do field videos. Nothing beats real time finds, regardless of the find.

Edit: Every coil I have has it's own lower pole which makes for a quick change.

No test garden.
No air test.

Just hunting in the sites.
With some good narration on the whys or why nots when choosing to dig a target.
And to show how some settings can improve or degrade a target.

Need to show a lot of digs,,even the digs where I am fooled. Like digging iron or nail.

This picking and choosing targets dug via editing doesn't paint true pic of detecting IMO.

I am not accusing anyone in particular. But I think it does happen.

I posted 2 threads (with hunt data) using round HF coil.
I talked about how much ferrous I dug.

I claim to be no expert detecting.
But I will put myself out there as far as explaining the whys or why nots when making dig/no dig decsion.

If a persons is ever fortunate enough to hunt with me,,same thing.

Now I have esplained to a few folks I hunt with, why or why not I would dig a target.
They disagree.
I tell them to dig.
And go on my way detecting.

I'll wait a few minutes.
Ask them
What was it?
They give me a grimace and say junk.

It's all fun.
Friendly competition is healthy, can improve one's skills.
Nothing will change how annoying you are. Not even your next post.

Dude you need to grow up ....for real :laughing: you sound like my 5 year old daughter with her friends :lol: I don't own a deus either...almost every post you have made you have been rude and disrespectful...if you dont like it then kindly move along, real men are talking here...
On a side note.. Ya'll should be happy that the AT max is being compared to high end machines... No need to bash people for no reason...its a friendly forum, at this point...its getting real unfriendly...I apologize for the sudden outburst but CD contibutes a whole hell of alot more than most on this see someone continually disrespect someone else for no apparent reason...gets old quick...ive said my peace...time to move on... Good luck to you all in the new year...
On a side note.. Ya'll should be happy that the AT max is being compared to high end machines...

True enough! I guess there is a positive spin to the comparison! Still a pretty unbalanced comparison though, I think, and therefore of limited value. I’m admittedly in the market for an AT Max - I’m simply waiting to see how the Equinox looks once it’s in the field to see which detector I want to pull the trigger on. With that said, I guess I’m just disappointed that this thread went so far off topic so quickly - the first couple pages had a some really good, relevant info and opinions that could help someone develop his own conclusions for making a purchase, though.

No need to bash people for no reason...its a friendly forum, at this point...its getting real unfriendly...I apologize for the sudden outburst but CD contibutes a whole hell of alot more than most on this see someone continually disrespect someone else for no apparent reason...gets old quick...ive said my peace...time to move on... Good luck to you all in the new year...

Agreed, on all of this...the mods are going to have to visit this thread pretty soon if they haven’t messaged anyone already. No thread is worth reading anymore when it starts getting personal. Moving on, as well....
The Deus is probably a good detector. A guy in my club has one. He doesn't use it though because he says its a complicated detector. There is one guy who shows up to competition hunts around here with a Deus but he doesn't get any more tokens than F75 users.

But calaBASH would be the lone reason I wouldn't get one. His videos have become unwatchable. His voice along with his arrogance is intolerable. He's a rather meh detectorist imo. Nothing I've ever heard from him would give me a sudden detecting epiphany. I just don't watch anymore.

Garrett is a amazing machine. Minelab has set the bar for deep coins,Garrett has set the bar for a jewlery.Along with that,Garrett has set the pace for other brands to follow suit with iron audio,waterproof,user friendly and affordability.
It’s not hard for another brand to trump the wants,needs and options once the bar is set,other companies don’t hafto spend as much in R&D to mimick what has already been researched and developed.
To say you’d never buy a deus because of calabash’s comments ,you might just miss out on the machine that fits you best.Ive run both,and the deus is a good machine.I will agree that some of calabashs comments come across a little arrogant,but that’s just life.One thing for sure,he definitely makes some outstanding finds.
If I had a brand loyalty it would be Garrett,because no matter what I use I always go back to the AT pro.But I don’t limit myself to my personal feelings for the at pro,because I know there are other machines that can and do excell past the at pro under different conditions.
Here's the deal.

If a person desires not to watch anyone's videos.
Just don't watch them.

No posting about those "feelings" here.
Because when a person does post things like this.
It is like you are trying to bring politics into equation.
Like start a who's more popular or hated contest/poll.

I could go into a lot of threads on this forum and express my dislikes about whatever. And post in them.
But who does this actually benefit?

Now if you want to offer congratulatory comments by all means.

Just disagree and give your reasons for doing.
Or agreeing.
And even if you agree you can add other pertinent data.

Two things I think we can "All" agree on.
Kajunman likes his Garrett.
Calabash likes his XP.
Fact of the matter is if he was neutral reporter of metal detectors just posting facts about what he does he would not get one person pissed at him.

Instead he bashes in his friendly little way..haha
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Garrett is a amazing machine. Minelab has set the bar for deep coins,Garrett has set the bar for a jewlery.Along with that,Garrett has set the pace for other brands to follow suit with iron audio,waterproof,user friendly and affordability.
It’s not hard for another brand to trump the wants,needs and options once the bar is set,other companies don’t hafto spend as much in R&D to mimick what has already been researched and developed.
To say you’d never buy a deus because of calabash’s comments ,you might just miss out on the machine that fits you best.Ive run both,and the deus is a good machine.I will agree that some of calabashs comments come across a little arrogant,but that’s just life.One thing for sure,he definitely makes some outstanding finds.
If I had a brand loyalty it would be Garrett,because no matter what I use I always go back to the AT pro.But I don’t limit myself to my personal feelings for the at pro,because I know there are other machines that can and do excell past the at pro under different conditions.

Woodbutcher, I live in Houston. There aren't any civil war relics laying around. I find a lot of old stuff with the detectors I have. That said, I'm not finding 1700 stuff because it doesn't exist here unless someone gets lucky when a hurricane blows an old coin on the beach.

I'm from Louisiana and if I got to hunt the old plantations there then the Deus might be an option. I see the fellas in the northern states talking about hunting in the woods and such and finding some incredible finds. That rarely ever happens where I live. We hunt lots from the 30's and 40's and feel lucky to do so. Not a whole lot of seated dimes or capped bust coins coming out of the ground down here. I also water hunt both fresh and salt. As of now I don't see a Deus in my future because I don't see the need for one. Our types of hunting , if you have a mid level or higher machine and a water machine then you have what you need. I agree the Deus is a fantastic detector from all the videos I've watched. And you know, I have as much funs as the fellas up north with their great finds. I just flat out love this hobby.

This started out as a Max thread. Then here comes calaBash to do his thing. The op asked about depth. Calabash couldn't leave it at that. Dude is just pompous. He just can't get it through his head we don't all hunt the same kinds of grounds. I even tried to interject with a positive post regarding the ground balance with the Max in case someone wasn't familiar with how you can use manual ground balance to enhance your hunting experience. But calabash just continues on then doesn't like it when he gets called out. The guy could use a can of tact.
Here's the deal.

If a person desires not to watch anyone's videos.
Just don't watch them.

No posting about those "feelings" here.
Because when a person does post things like this.
It is like you are trying to bring politics into equation.
Like start a who's more popular or hated contest/poll.

I could go into a lot of threads on this forum and express my dislikes about whatever. And post in them.
But who does this actually benefit?

Now if you want to offer congratulatory comments by all means.

Just disagree and give your reasons for doing.
Or agreeing.
And even if you agree you can add other pertinent data.

Two things I think we can "All" agree on.
Kajunman likes his Garrett.
Calabash likes his XP.

I like my F75 just as much. Both have been very, very good to me. They do in fact, make a great tandem.
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