Pandora and PPPPP.......

Dirty Love

Elite Member
Jul 26, 2014
Bet you thought I was going to say Platt:laughing:
But, after 6 days without AC, business phone & Internet, coming home and seeing the porch light on in the middle of the afternoon was the highlight of my day and my best find all week!!:D
Water hunts (3 so far) have been tough. Hard to find anything in the well covered sandy, oatmeal thick/soft bottoms. Could not even find lead near the fishing pier or jetty's. Two pieces of silver were found, a small ring and my second Pandora this year. The Pandora has a three 925/14k:money: charms and was most likely a fresh drop after Irma since it came up in the scoop untarnished. The two toe rings, one earring and dolphin ring are junk. The ciggy looking thing is one of those one hit hooch pipes.:p


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Where all the lights on? We went 3 weeks without power from the ice storm of 07, even after 3 weeks without power I would still try to turn on the lights.
Glad things are getting back to normal for you.
Congrats on the Pandora, but double congrats on the power! We lost ours for 18 days in the 2011 ice storm and that really was a pain, glad yours is back on this soon :yes:
Where all the lights on? We went 3 weeks without power from the ice storm of 07, even after 3 weeks without power I would still try to turn on the lights.
Glad things are getting back to normal for you.
Thanks Jim
Just the porch light and my answering machine so I could drive by or call and know if my power was back on. I did have 500' of extension cord run across a street and between two houses to keep my fridge and either a lamp or fan running thanks to a neighbor that still had power. Yes, normalcy is returning.

Congrats on the Pandora. Crazy how much I pay, I mean the dealer's get for that stuff, lol. :laughing:
Thanks David
Yep, the lady's love their Pandora!:yes:

Oooh- Pandora. That's a bucket-lister for me. Congrats!
Thanks C, hope you recover one soon.

Congrats on the Pandora, but double congrats on the power! We lost ours for 18 days in the 2011 ice storm and that really was a pain, glad yours is back on this soon :yes:
Thanks BB, The heat was bad enough, but I hate cold or even being cold and could not imagine 18 days of it.:no:

I like finding Pandora jewellery, they're not cheap! Congrats! :)
Thanks XT, I'm still looking for a Pandora bracelet made up of the 14k charms. My friends wife has one with a couple thousand dollars worth of charms on it.
Awwww man! That Pandora! :shock: Those are always a nice find, and especially with some 14k in there! :thumbsup:
Great hunting!
And congrats on getting power back! I'm sure there was much rejoicing when it returned!:yes:
Nice finds. Glad you have electric

I found one Pandora. STUPID me scrapped it. With all the charms I could have made a lot more than scrap! Live and learn.
Thanks SD, you don't know how much you miss it till you don't have it.
Not all women love their Pandora's, but those who do love to add charms. Craig's List has been an excellent way to sell them. Most do not last a week!

Awwww man! That Pandora! :shock: Those are always a nice find, and especially with some 14k in there! :thumbsup:
Great hunting!
And congrats on getting power back! I'm sure there was much rejoicing when it returned!:yes:
Wanting to find one of the 14k charms...someday!
No AC in Florida in September...not fun! Rejoicing, is an understatement!!
Thanks TK

Nice Pandora bracelet!
Thanks V
My one Pandora turned out to be a faux, woe!
Well that sucks, First I've heard of that. Next one...should be the real deal.
Nice find on the Pandora! I just got back internet yesterday, the last piece of the normalcy puzzle.
Nice find on the Pandora. I've never found one yet. With all the sand here I may never even find a Felix again.
Same here on the west coast. Very few targets to detect under all that sand build up. Been to all my beaches trudging along with very few signals to dig. Thanks and GL

Nice one Dirt! A Pandora bracelet is on my B-list :cheers:
Thanks Slim, GL

Nice find on the Pandora! I just got back internet yesterday, the last piece of the normalcy puzzle.
Thanks Felix! It can be tough without the net to keep you informed. I was glad to be close to a McDonalds so I could get online for the 6 days I was without.
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