I Forced Myself To Go Detecting Today


Elite Member
Jan 5, 2011
Germantown, TN
With all the rock hard ground, hot humid weather and a sore knee it's hard to get motivated to get out and do some detecting. I can't wait for Fall to get here!

I decided to go back over a mid-fifties yard that I detected earlier this year, but this time I was going to be a little more methodical and try some different settings. The first time that I detected the yard I was in a hurry and cherry picking. As you can see it pays to slow down.



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Congrats on some silver & wheaties! Heck, if you got a spot you can return to, may as well cherry pick it 1st go-round.

We've been getting some much needed rain (south of you), and I'm glad to see it!
Not to shabby there Buddy! I suppose forcing yourself to go detecting is better than forcing yourself to go to work, or shopping with the Missus for sure!
I did the same thing, forced myself to get out and detect this afternoon. Took my youngest with me, and we dug up a dozen US Cents (I'm pretty sure some are gonna turn out to be Felix coins). I think we lasted about an hour. For some reason, even though it wasn't hot by the thermometer, we got very hot, must of been really high humidity.
Looking at your finds id say it was a good time to force yourself. Nice!
Congrats on some silver & wheaties! Heck, if you got a spot you can return to, may as well cherry pick it 1st go-round.

We've been getting some much needed rain (south of you), and I'm glad to see it!
Thanks! It's fun cherry picking, but it just as much fun going back seeing what you missed.

Not to shabby there Buddy! I suppose forcing yourself to go detecting is better than forcing yourself to go to work, or shopping with the Missus for sure!
Thanks! I'm afraid to take too many days off from detecting, because I might end up like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz. Speaking of old classic movies, I spoke with a young girl, in her mid-thirties, at the doctor's office and she said that she has never seen Gone With The Wind. Damn!

I did the same thing, forced myself to get out and detect this afternoon. Took my youngest with me, and we dug up a dozen US Cents (I'm pretty sure some are gonna turn out to be Felix coins). I think we lasted about an hour. For some reason, even though it wasn't hot by the thermometer, we got very hot, must of been really high humidity.
The high humidity and no wind is a killer even when the temperature is moderately high.

Nice haul.
Thanks! I didn't expect to find that much.

So is that a gold ring in the pile there? you dont even mention it :O
No it's not a gold ring, but I sure thought it was when it first popped out of the ground.

I forced myself to dig multiple silvers again...brings a tear to my eye. :laughing:

Another nice outing Rosie King!
It payed off to go for a hunt, congrats on the finds! :)

Nice one beephead! It seems like every post i see from you involves silver...... keep it up!
Thanks! Actually in the last few years here locally I've been detecting and haven't found any silver, but I can't remember exactly what day that happened. LOL

The FORCE was with you!!!:lol:
Thanks! I get lucky sometimes.

Looks like a Rosie roundup.

Nice finds.

It's tough in the heat.
I have sweated loads.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Sweating is good you, but I still don't like it.

Gee..... with digs like those you should force yourself to get out there more often!
Nice digs, congrats! :yes:

Thanks! Detecting is about having fun.

I forced myself to dig multiple silvers again...brings a tear to my eye. :laughing:

Another nice outing Rosie King!
Thanks! I was thinking about you when I kept popping Rosie dimes. It's about time for some big silver! Keep your eyes peeled because it's coming.

I know what you mean about forcing yourself to get out there hunting in this heat. It has been a while since I got out. It is amazing how well you did considering you had hunted there before. Just proves it is ALWAYS worth another look. Congratulations on getting more silver.
Heat? What heat...

Still getting the silvers...plural...I see! August is not kind to Tennessee this time of year usually...:no:

It's been in the 60s and 70s here for the highs, but lots of rain this year. The ground is very soft, but I've been concentrating on digging gemstones lately....

Getting out tonight for a hunt...some of the hard-packed areas in the park are prime digging right now....should be at least one good coin in there somewhere!

Come on out this way sometime...weather is great, and digging is better! :grin:
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