What Happened to CFM-CT

I'm busy Earl... my elderly mom fell and broke her arm and I am taking care of her needs cooking, cleaning, taking her to various DR's besides trying to run my business also get over my own issues. I have time to take care of the forums inner workings and that is just about it.

Everything ok now Earl? ;)
Many prayers for you!

Many of us baby-boomers are dealing with elderly parents at the crisis states of Alzheimer's, disability, and our own health and our spouses. Throw in too young too retire and could not afford it anyway.

Good luck and God Bless you for being there to help.

Craig, just haven't seen you on here as , you have been in the past, thought something was wrong, my mom has fallen about 50 times in the past 3 years, knock on wood , she never broke anything, now she is in assisted living, 24 hour care with a button she presses around her neck if she falls, hope things improve, take care Earl PS I need a maid, can you hook me up :yes::lol:
Hi Craig, I am glad to hear you are in good health. But sorry to hear her mom broke her arm. Sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done.
Time will heal all wounds and besides its too cold to go out and play. Take care.
The Next

Time i come up to CT for a detecting visit with Shogun, YOUR COOKING BRO., with your wife who doesn't cook, and your continued cooking skill's :lol::yes:, you must be a MASTER CHEF by now :cooking::cooking::cooking::chef2::chef2::chef2: :eat3::eat3::eat3::eat2::eat2::eat2: HOWBOUTIT CRAIG'S COOKING :yes::D :lol::lol::lol: :thumbsup: Get her a walker Craig, your lucky it wasn't her hip, hope she recover's quick, Earl This is the one I got my mom, who is now in assisted living, when i visit her, all the other's seem to have the same model---- https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Medica...8077&sr=1-1&keywords=walkers+for+seniors&th=1
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Time i come up to CT for a detecting visit with Shogun, YOUR COOKING BRO., with your wife who doesn't cook, and your continued cooking skill's :lol::yes:, you must be a MASTER CHEF by now :cooking::cooking::cooking::chef2::chef2::chef2: :eat3::eat3::eat3::eat2::eat2::eat2: HOWBOUTIT CRAIG'S COOKING :yes::D :lol::lol::lol: :thumbsup: Get her a walker Craig, your lucky it wasn't her hip, hope she recover's quick, Earl This is the one I got my mom, who is now in assisted living, when i visit her, all the other's seem to have the same model---- https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Medica...8077&sr=1-1&keywords=walkers+for+seniors&th=1

Earl my mom is doing better.. she is out of her sling and having physical therapy a couple times a week... I'm still doing most things for her but its not as bad now...

On to another subject a little birdy told me that you bought two CTX3030's is this the same Earl who was badmouthing it for all those months?

Why is it that you have two of everything but rarely use any of them? :lol:

My opinion is you want to start a museum for scoops, shovels and detectors... they aren't for use.. they are just to admire like those of us who actually use them and admire our finds :laughing:
On to another subject a little birdy told me that you bought two CTX3030's is this the same Earl who was badmouthing it for all those months?

Why is it that you have two of everything but rarely use any of them? :lol:

My opinion is you want to start a museum for scoops, shovels and detectors... they aren't for use.. they are just to admire like those of us who actually use them and admire our finds :laughing:

HE'S BACK!!! :laughing:
lol ( ITS ALL GOOD )

The little birdie told me to thin the herd, i am down to 7 detectors, from 11, 6 gone, picked up two that i will use with beach activity along with land, the 6 gone were land machines Craig , after hunting about 5 times with Park Hunter & his CTX3030, he pulled - 5 to -one silver, i used the e-trac and- 1 time with the V3i, could not keep up with him, that finally made me a believer , that the CTX was much better, being a semi waterproof machine- moving to the beach, twin CTX3030's were my ticket , because i like low tide hunting, the blues will be for water hunting, i still will run the DF on occasions, glad to see your mom is recovering, your hunting again, your back to cutting me up :laughing:, your finding gold, wish you nothing but the best in 2017 , stay warm, and keep the truck & plow maintenance up, because winter is not over, calling for 64 degree's Thursday, most likely warmer up their to, a good day to take off & hunt, or better yet RETIRE ;) Every day is Saturday for me now, :lol: happy hunting, Earl ( MY little birdie said Mr. Craig retire & treat yourself to a high end machine, ya never know, with one high end--- you might clean up :yes::D PS Felix , ya you better believe it , he's back , like a fly with vengeance on a :holycow: as---- howboutit :laughing::hide:


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Many prayers for you!

Many of us baby-boomers are dealing with elderly parents at the crisis states of Alzheimer's, disability, and our own health and our spouses. Throw in too young too retire and could not afford it anyway.

Good luck and God Bless you for being there to help.

You sure said it here DD57! Man! All over the Country, Guys our age dealing with this phenomenon..legal issues and all that comes along with it!..

Funny you brought that up, i am turning 57 this spring, and my MOM was put in assisted living the week before Thanksgiving, -- dementia, my Dad died of lung cancer at age 70 in 2001, his brother lived till 86 who didn't smoke, ya never know , the way life turns, for me, i needed a change, the dog needed a change , hopefully 10 miles from the beach , hoping i keep my health will be good , all we can do is hope, and keep the blood pumping, take care , Earl

Last time i herd from him , he was going scuba diving with Swinglow , out at Cape Cod , with Scuba ( captain of the ship ) howboutit :shock::yes::D
The little birdie told me to thin the herd, i am down to 7 detectors, from 11, 6 gone, picked up two that i will use with beach activity along with land, the 6 gone were land machines Craig , after hunting about 5 times with Park Hunter & his CTX3030, he pulled - 5 to -one silver, i used the e-trac and- 1 time with the V3i, could not keep up with him, that finally made me a believer , that the CTX was much better, being a semi waterproof machine- moving to the beach, twin CTX3030's were my ticket , because i like low tide hunting, the blues will be for water hunting, i still will run the DF on occasions, glad to see your mom is recovering, your hunting again, your back to cutting me up :laughing:, your finding gold, wish you nothing but the best in 2017 , stay warm, and keep the truck & plow maintenance up, because winter is not over, calling for 64 degree's Thursday, most likely warmer up their to, a good day to take off & hunt, or better yet RETIRE ;) Every day is Saturday for me now, :lol: happy hunting, Earl ( MY little birdie said Mr. Craig retire & treat yourself to a high end machine, ya never know, with one high end--- you might clean up :yes::D PS Felix , ya you better believe it , he's back , like a fly with vengeance on a :holycow: as---- howboutit :laughing::hide:

I needed a couple of days to read this rambling post.. you cover a lot of things here ;) First off its more than the plastic sticks we swing that makes the detector successful... Look at Angel "Boxing63".. over the past few years he has hunted with a AT-Gold and killed the silver in an old hunted park... I don't care what one swings because if the guy behind it isn't very good no matter what he swings he will go home with less good stuff than a guy who knows his machine like the back of his hand.

You met me in person and know I can be sarcastic at times.. its who I am ;) its not to hurt and I have no issue with anyone doing the same to me... its all good :D

Why do you want me to retire? I have been working some kind of job since I was 15 years old and I like working, I really do... I don't want to sit around staring out a window when I can be doing something constructive.. Most people who retire turn into soft blobs of skin... :D No thank you... I'll deal with my bone spurs, sciatica, bad knee and work.. it sure beats sitting home watching the wife's lips flapping but not hearing what's coming out of them as I have learned how to turn off my ears :lol:

one more thing.. my wife is an architect but is working as a project manager for a large construction company...

Earl... get married you need a new hobby :D
Cfm-ct / Swinglow

Park hunter was 18 when i hunted with him, probably 19 now, he is not a experienced hunter, as i for 40 years, so as far as E-trac- explorer, vs CTX3030 it wasn't the case of who was swinging . Craig everyone has problems, not worried about getting married, with a piece of paper committing to ball & chains like you & Swing, the Captain & I are happy single, if i meet a new woman at the beach , that's fine, but it's low priority :lol: you guy's can flap those lip's all you want, and no Swing, maybe you need a white sand adventure, as you all think those rock's, stink, knee deep with no movement water, is the absolute best condition's :laughing: , when the old gold vanishes , there sure won't be any fresh drop's, cause 4 sure i didn't see any eye candy up their :roll:, and sure most of the beaches we hunted has no depositors , nothing but shells, rock's, & stink mud, the only thing that's good up their is , history , the towns are old, unlike here, great for land hunting , as Captain pulls the old copper from land, & silver from the beaches & land, you must admit, you all HARD core hunter's can't keep up with the Florida , CA, hunter's on GOLD, were the season's are longer, i know i need to make some changes Craig, it's coming, but when your constantly ragged on the same thing, it get's old, i am sure Felix can relate to that statement, i have did some ragging myself , however i back off , hit the switch , unlike you & Swing, wish you all the best, i am moving to the beach, hopefully this house will be sold by May 1st, otherwise it will be locked box empty , under a realtor to show, it will be a different world down their for me, as it's what i have wanted for a while, got a great deal, on this house, lucked out, i brought retirement up, because the 60s for both of us Craig are wright around the corner, i have been retired for almost 7 years, if you can't retire, you didn't plan for it, are you going to work till death, or health problems hit later in life, it's your time to retire, if you like working- work part time, you & Swing take it easy, May 1st is the Date, so sit back, and refrain from the ragging, like i said 130 miles down to only 10 miles to the beach , is a big difference, from hunting on vacations, to hunting all the time living over their , don't worry about me, i will be very happy soon , as far as my detector's, i made some changes, because living at the beach, required a different line up, as far as 2 of everything goes, 2 CTX3030s, one for land, one for low tide, i will most likely have different coils on both, won't have to change from beach to land, Excal 800 & 1000 don't consider as two of the same with hardwired coils, Happy hunting, Earl
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Park hunter was 18 when i hunted with him, probably 19 now, he is not a experienced hunter, as i for 40 years, so as far as E-trac- explorer, vs CTX3030 it wasn't the case of who was swinging . Craig everyone has problems, not worried about getting married, with a piece of paper committing to ball & chains like you & Swing, the Captain & I are happy single, if i meet a new woman at the beach , that's fine, but it's low priority :lol: you guy's can flap those lip's all you want, and no Swing, maybe you need a white sand adventure, as you all think those rock's, stink, knee deep with no movement is the absolute best condition's :laughing: , when the old gold vanishes , there sure won't be any fresh drop's, cause 4 sure i didn't see any eye candy up their :roll:, nothing but shells, rock's, & stink mud, the only thing that's good up their is , history , the towns are old, unlike here, great for land hunting , as Captain pulls the old copper from land, & silver from the beaches & land, you must admit, you all HARD core hunter's can't keep up with the Florida , CA, hunter's on GOLD, were the season's are longer, i know i need to make some changes Craig, it's coming, but when your constantly ragged on the same thing, it get's old, i am sure Felix can relate to that statement, i have did some ragging myself , however i back off , hit the switch , unlike you & Swing, wish you all the best, i am moving to the beach, hopefully this house will be sold by May 1st, otherwise it will be locked box empty , under a realtor to show, it will be a different world down their for me, as it's what i have wanted for a while, got a great deal, on this house, lucked out, i brought retirement up, because the 60s for both of us Craig are wright around the corner, i have been retired for almost 7 years, if you can't retire, you didn't plan for it, you & Swing take it easy, May 1st is the Date, so sit back, and refrain from the ragging, like i said 130 miles down to only 10 miles to the beach , is a big difference, from hunting on vacations, to hunting all the time living over their , don't worry about me, i will be very happy soon :yes::D later , Earl

Park hunter is only 18 or 19? Is this the same one that used to sell overpriced coins on here?

Earl, I would think by now you'd be well aware that we're just giving you a hard time and being sarcastic. Life is too short. Go hunt!

i know he sold some coin's, i know he got ripped off on like 3 gold coins to, sent them out, money fell through, don't think he will be selling anymore coin's , ya he is young -going to college, had fun hunting with him, i found some indians, merc's, had fun, as far as ragging constantly, you have a problem with it, it's ok , a bit, but it's getting old, when you don't even know me, happy hunting, Earl
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